How To Not Die:

Camp Half-Blood Edition

A PJO Guidebook Zine

A bar of colors in the following order: orange, yellow, red, gray, light blue, and green

Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, brave camper!Congratulations on making it here! This book will take you through the many aspects of camp. It's full of survival tips, camp traditions and other information relevant to living here (and venturing outside!). May the gods smile upon you and your adventures.- Chiron

About the Project

How to Not Die: Camp Half-Blood Edition is an in-universe guidebook aimed at giving new campers tips and tricks for making it both inside and outside of camp. Our goal is to feature a mixed-media guide lovingly crafted by campers and staff for the next generation.

Current Project Status (Jan 2025):
In Production (Merch Produced and Shipped, Zine Layout in Progress)


A bar of colors in the following order: orange, yellow, red, gray, light blue, and green

How to Not Die: Camp Half-Blood Edition is an in-universe guidebook fanzine aimed at giving new campers tips and tricks for making it both inside and outside of camp. Our goal is to feature a mixed-media guide lovingly crafted by campers and staff for the next generation. Post-production zine proceeds will be a 50/50 split going towards both contributors and a charity selected by contributors.To read more about the project and view other FAQs, check out the Quest Book (Info and Guidelines Doc) below.


Eventalso known asDate
Interest Check Open-March 22nd
Interest Check Close-May 1st
Applications OpenInternational Free Museum DayMay 18th
Applications CloseSummer SolsticeJune 21st
Application ResultsJason's BirthdayJuly 1st
Server Join DeadlineLeo's BirthdayJuly 7th
Final Pitch DeadlineAnnabeth's BirthdayJuly 12th
Check-In #1-July 30th
Check-In #2-August 20th
Check-in #3-September 17th
Final Check-In-October 22nd
Layout + Additional Spot Creation Period-Nov 29th - Dec 20th
Pre-Orders OpenWinter Solstice Nico's BirthdayDecember 21st January 28th
Pre-Orders CloseNico's Birthday Ides of MarchJanuary 28th March 15th
Production (approx.)-February March - May
Shipping (approx.)-April - May May - July


Recruiting forms were open until June 21st, 2023. They are currently closed.


A Severed Left HandRole in Zine: Emergency Head Mod, Formatting Mod, Writing Mod, Organaization Mod
Demigod Type: Child of Athena
Socials / Zine Experience: Carrd

humanbobjeanpantsRole in Zine: Finance Mod
Demigod Type: Child of Hecate
Socials / Zine Experience: Carrd

copicdragonRole in Zine: Art Mod
Demigod Type: Child of
Socials: Twitter Instagram

SaturniiidsRole in Zine: Social Media Mod
Demigod Type: Child of Apollo
Socials: Twitter Tumblr
Zine Experience: Portfolio

PewpewpewRole in Zine: Graphics Mod
Demigod Type: Child of Hephaestus
Socials: Instagram Tumblr
Zine Experience: Portfolio

NoctRole in Zine: Shipping Mod
Demigod Type: Child of Hermes
Zine Experience: Carrd

Any questions can be directed to our socials (linked below). You can also email us at [email protected].